Sustainability(S)Society (S) Initiatives
Environment (E) Initiatives
Society (S) Initiatives
Governance (G) Initiatives
Human Resources
Human resources are our most important management resource. We believe it is important to secure a diverse workforce as we expand our business domain and to develop each employee so that they can maximize their abilities and potential in our company. In addition, we are committed to creating a comfortable work environment where all employees can work healthily and vigorously through the introduction and operation of an effective human resources system, promotion of work-life balance, and education and training activities, so that all employees can perform their roles to the best of their ability.
Furthermore, we are strengthening the following initiatives:

Promotion of work-life balance
In order for all employees to exercise their abilities, achieve a balance between work and life, and to create a comfortable work environment, we are promoting the improvement of the annual paid leave utilization rate, minimizing the occurrence of long working hours, and encouraging both male and female employees to take child-care leave. We also focus on promoting the active participation of female employees, including those who balance work with childbirth and childcare, and are actively developing initiatives to create a workplace environment in which more women can play an active role.
Education and Training Activities
We have established various training programs to enable all employees to further improve their knowledge and skills. We promote training programs by rank for the purpose of developing employees at each job level and position, training for legal qualifications required for company operations, training by department for the purpose of acquiring the specialized knowledge and skills necessary for each department, and self-development training for employees to learn voluntarily for their future career development at the company. We are continuously striving to further improve the abilities of all our employees and our own human resource development.