Sustainability(G)Governance (G) Initiatives
Environment (E) Initiatives
Society (S) Initiatives
Governance (G) Initiatives
Risk Management
There are all manner of risks surrounding our business activities. We take a variety of measures to expose these risks and to minimize or avoid the risks caused by them.
Business Continuity Plan
In the event of an emergency situation such as a natural disaster, major fire, or terrorist attack, we have formulated a business continuity plan (BCP) in accordance with the following basic policies to minimize damage to our business assets while enabling the continuation and early return of our core business operations.
- 1From the perspective of human safety: We shall ensure the personal safety of employees, their families, and visitors.
- 2From the perspective of business continuity: We shall minimize damage to factories and facilities and ensure the early return of business.
- 3Other: We shall provide local support and recovery assistance to nearby communities.
In line with this plan, we conduct BCP simulation drills twice a year, identify issues in the review and compensate for shortcomings through subsequent training, enabling us to be prepared to make appropriate decisions and take appropriate actions in the event of an emergency.
Information Security
Tanaka Chemical Corporation has been focusing on being prepared for information security risks for many years and continues to aim to prevent leaks of company information by adhering to the items stipulated in this Basic Policy.
1.Information Security Basic Policy and Action Guidelines (established on May 1, 2008)
Basic Policy
- 1To ensure that executives and employees recognize the importance of information assets and appropriately and reliably protect such assets from threats including unauthorized access and natural disasters, we establish, operate, and improve information security centered on the basic policies listed below to enhance social credibility and corporate value.
- 2We establish roles and responsibilities related to information security, and have initiated a system to manage and operate them systematically and in an organized manner.
- 3We systematically work to ensure that all information assets and their handling comply with business requirements, legal and regulatory requirements, as well as contractual security obligations.
- 4We have established detailed regulations for the management and continuous improvement of information security, and continue to ensure that all executives, employees, and others comply therewith.
- 5We have established a system to identify threats and vulnerabilities to information assets and continuously evaluate risk responses to identified risks using legitimate criteria.
- 6In promoting this system, we recognize the importance of these measures and give full consideration to the priority of securing and allocating management resources, as well as continuously provide education and promotional activities necessary for compliance and improvement to all executives and employees.
- 7We conduct periodic internal audits of information security to evaluate the status of compliance and ensure promotion of corrective measures.
Guidelines for Action
To ensure the continued growth of our business and the trust of our customers, we strive to keep our critical information assets secure.
- 1We respect our customers' contracts and legal or regulatory requirements.
- 2We ensure the implementation of various measures to establish and maintain information security.
- 3Our directors, executives, and employees understand the purpose of the above and comply with all rules and regulations related to information security.