Top Sustainability Environmental Policy

SustainabilityEEnvironment (E) Initiatives

Environmental Policy

We regard "environmental compliance" as a management issue and, as such, have established the following environmental policy.

  1. 1We shall continuously improve our environmental management system and its operation, prioritizing environmental compliance as a management issue for business continuity, and systematically promote environmental conservation activities.
  2. 2We shall not only comply with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and other requirements, but shall exceed in maintaining and improving our environmental preservation capabilities through conscientious management grounded on our own standards.
  3. 3We shall actively participate in environmental preservation activities and fulfill our role as a member of the local community.
  4. 4We shall ceaselessly focus and work on the following items that affect the environment.
    Energy conservation ・Reduction of waste ・Effective use of resources
  5. 5We shall disclose information related to environmental conservation, including our environmental policy, to the public in a timely manner.

Date of enactment: November 1, 1998 / Date of revision: April 1, 2021
Tanaka Chemical Corporation
Representative Director, Executive President Kazufumi Yokogawa

Building a Recycling-oriented Society

In aspiring to carry out business activities and provide products that are friendly to the environment, we undertake continuous ecological improvement efforts through the establishment of an environmental management system. In 1999, we acquired ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system. In 2011, we acquired a high rating in “Environmental Rating”, run by the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) for “advanced effort for consideration towards the environment”.
We consider environmental protection as one of the important issues of management, and are striving to reduce our environmental impact across the board, from material procurement to development, production, logistics and waste disposal.

In May 2011, we received an environmentally rated financing from the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) in which we were rated for “advanced effort for consideration towards the environment”.

Waste Heat Recycling
(Hydrothermal Heat Pump)

Head Office/
Fukui Plant