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Respect for Human Rights
As a member of Sumitomo Chemical Group, we regard respect for human rights as part of the foundation for our business continuity, considering it a critical issue to be addressed as part of our management.
Basic Stance on Human Rights Policy
As a member of Sumitomo Chemical Group, we respect international norms on human rights and have established the following "Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights" in accordance with "Sumitomo Chemical Group Human Rights Policy". All executives and employees of Tanaka Chemical Corporation shall comply with this policy.
Basic Policy for Responsible Procurement of Minerals/Raw Materials
As a member of Sumitomo Chemical Group and under "Sumitomo Chemical Group Human Rights Policy", we define those raw materials in the supply chain that involve a high risk of having a negative impact on human rights as high-risk raw materials (“HRRM”). We recognize the adverse impact against human rights which may be associated with mining, extracting, refining, manufacturing, trading, handling and/or importing/exporting HRRM, and we comply with Sumitomo Chemical Group's Policy on Responsible Procurement of Minerals/Raw Materials.
Link to Sumitomo Chemical's website as a reference for the above basic policy