Business Information
Greetings from the Executive President

My name is Kazufumi Yokogawa, and it is my pleasure to serve as the Representative Director and Executive President of Tanaka Chemical Corporation. In the secondary (rechargeable) battery market where significant growth is expected, we will make our utmost effort towards stable and continuous company growth.
Tanaka Chemical Corporation is a company specializing in a single segment, i.e. positive electrode materials for secondary batteries. We focus on development and manufacturing of materials for Ni-MH batteries, and especially for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Though the secondary batteries are widely used for electrical appliances such as mobile devices, as well as vehicles such as Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), most especially the market for vehicle batteries is rapidly expanding in a trend toward Electric Vehicles (EV). In order to respond to this trend, it is necessary to develop a higher-performance secondary battery, providing it in a timely manner to the market, satisfying demand in quantity and price, by keeping our traditional business style while providing a custom-made product to fit the needs of each customer. Under the current fortuitous opportunity where our market is experiencing explosive expansion of secondary growth, I believe our company will be able to see substantial growth through the achievement of these efforts,
In addition, in the rapidly growing market for vehicle batteries, the failure of an equipped secondary battery will damage vehicle performance, and will directly affect its safety. Therefore, a quality control factor for batteries is an essential requirement, even more than before, and we are also committed to improving our ability for numerical and theoretical analysis.
We value the credibility for our product earned from our customers in many years of experience. Furthermore, we value our technologies, such as Particle Sphering Technology which controls particle formation, and Multi-element Co-precipitation Technology which co-precipitates various elements at the atomic level. While being based on these advantages that Tanaka Chemical Corporation has, we aim for further growth in our company, coping speedily with environment changes in the market, and deepening a collaboration, versatilely with our parent company, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. in the area of development of higher-performance secondary batteries, the expansion of production capacity responding to market growth, the pursuit of rational production methods, and the improvement of numerical and theoretical analysis.
I would like to thank all of our customers, stake-holders and employees, for your continuous understanding and support.
Representative Director, Executive President
Kazufumi Yokogawa
Company Principles
We pursue creation and development of new technologies, while focusing on the harmonization of humankind and society.
- We consider humane and flexible ways of thinking with the spirit of creation and aspiration as our starting points.
- We eliminate waste and practice effective utilization of precious resources.
- We quickly respond to the constantly changing. times to develop high value-added products that meet customers' needs.
- We contribute to society through company activities, and commit to the development of an affluent human society.
Corporate Vision
- 1 We, Tanaka Chemical Corporation, endeavor to solve global environmental issues and achieve a sustainable society by creating innovative new products based on our own technology derived from the development of positive electrode materials.
- 2 Each employee respects all others, enhancing their abilities and initiative, in a spirit of mutual cooperation, thus enabling the creation of a highly motivated corporate culture.
(Enacted in November 2019)